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Crème au Caramel

Servings: 6

Prep time: 15 mins

Bake time: 40 mins


- 2 cups milk

- 1 cup heavy cream

- 3/4 cup sugar

- 3 whole eggs

- 2 egg yolks

- 1 vanilla bean

For caramel:

- 2/3 cup of sugar


Caramel: in a pan melt the sugar until amber color and immediately pour into each ramekin.

1. Preheat oven to 325F.

2. In a medium pot, heat the milk and add the vanilla bean. Turn it off just before it starts to boil.

3. Remove the vanilla bean and add the heavy cream while stirring.

4. On the side, beat the eggs with the sugar, and incorporate it into the milk and cream.

5. Once fully incorporated, pour the custard into the ramekins, dividing it evenly.

6. Place your ramekins into a roasting pan and fill it with water so that it reaches halfway up the sides of the ramekins.

7. Transfer your roasting pan into the oven and bake for about 40 minutes until custard has set.

8. Once baked, remove the ramekins from the hot water and let cool before placing in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

To serve:

Unmold the crème au caramel helping yourself with a knife running along the sides.

Invert the ramekin onto a serving plate and gently shake to release the dessert.

Top it off with an amaretto cookie.


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